Belvedere Junior and Infant School

Belvedere Infant and Junior Schools

Home | Learning | Curriculum | Subjects | Geography


Home | Learning | Curriculum | Subjects | Geography







Through the teaching of geography, children should develop their interest, fascination and curiosity. Geography is of central importance to understanding the world and our place in it.  Through the teaching of geography, pupils are able to develop a deep understanding of places, people, environments and the Earth’s and human processes. Their growing knowledge about the world should help them to deepen their understanding of the interaction between physical and human processes, and of the formation and use of landscapes and environments.


The National Curriculum for Geography aims to ensure that all pupils:

Pupils should develop knowledge about the world, the United Kingdom and their locality. They should understand basic subject-specific vocabulary relating to human and physical geography and begin to use geographical skills, including first-hand observation, to enhance their locational awareness.

Belvedere Infant School aims to ensure that children are experiencing a range of learning opportunities both inside and outside of the classroom to support the development of their learning skills and knowledge. Through developing pupil’s enjoyment, excitement and interest with enriching activities we are able build and encourage curiosity. Belvedere Infant School aims to deliver a challenging and ambitious curriculum to equip children with the skills, knowledge and understanding needed for their next stage of learning.

Curriculum/Scheme of Work

Belvedere Infant School uses the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) along with National Curriculum objectives linked to half termly themes to support planning of a broad and balanced curriculum.  The learning journey through the theme starts with a memorable experience or ‘entry point’ and a ‘knowledge harvest’ to find the appropriate starting point. This is followed by a development of skills and knowledge from a range of curriculum areas. The learning from the theme is applied through an ‘Exit Point’ at the end of each theme where children can demonstrate and apply their knowledge and skills. Teachers will organise high-quality learning experiences within a theme giving the children opportunities to build upon their skills across the year.


Geography is planned using the IPC planning documents and adapted to suit the interests of the children such as studying local features.  A ‘Knowledge organiser’ is created and shared with the children. It shows them key vocabulary and shoes step by step progression through the half terms topic. The units must be looked at as a whole throughout the year to plan and show progression of lessons. Teachers need to consider the specific needs of the children and their experiences in order to challenge and differentiate appropriately. When planning, teachers will need to consider opportunities for cross curricular links to build on prior knowledge or to apply and practice skills already taught. Teachers will plan opportunities for collaborative learning, building resilience and allowing children to demonstrate deep knowledge, skills and understanding. Children should be set tasks which require a variety of open-ended responses and tasks of increasing difficulty so that children are not all completing the same tasks.


Geography is taught as a block of lessons follwoing the IPC curriculum. Some themes are based purely on geography objectives and others on history, whereas others have a mixture of the two as they interlink. There should be a clear focus on one or more of the key concepts which are shared with the pupils to identify objectives for learning through whole class teaching alongside opportunities for small group discussion tasks and independent research. We encourage children to ask, as well as answer, questions related to their theme. Teachers should have a focus on children developing their vocabulary, enquiry, observation, comparing and communication. Activities should inspire the pupils to investigate the world around them and to help them raise their own questions. There should be opportunities for children to investigate in order to become more independent learners with through child-led learning. Throughout all year groups, teachers should provide stimulating lessons to encourage higher level responses using a range of teaching styles to ensure learning is accessible for all.

Geography lessons should provide pupils with opportunities to investigate places, patterns and communicate geographically. Pupils should also be able to use a wide range of geographical vocabulary.


All children are given the opportunity to access the curriculum through providing differentiated and ambitious lessons with appropriate challenge and support. All pupils will be challenged including the more able. For children with SEN, tasks will be adjusted or pupils will be given support to access tasks. Children will be given different starting points for each lesson providing resources of different complexity and setting tasks of increasing difficulty. Using teacher assessment from previous lessons, some children may start independent tasks without teacher input, others may be set a challenge more suited to their needs. Tasks will be set that allow for a variety of open-ended responses.


Teachers will use the knowledge harvests completed by children at the beginning of each theme to assess what the children already know and revisit the knowledge harvests at the end of each theme for children to add to showing progression throughout the theme. Ongoing assessments will take place through the sequence of teaching with teachers making observations of pupils during lessons and through marking, questioning and discussion with pupils and feedback on their written work. Teachers should plan and adapt lessons accordingly, planning in opportunities for assessment, considering what the children already know.

Belvedere Infant School

Geography curriculum overview using International Primary Curriculum (IPC)

2022 – 2023


At Belvedere Infant School, we aim to inspire curiosity and excitement about the world around us and those within it through our chosen IPC topics. We aim to engage our pupils and build memorable experiences that enhance their learning and understanding by providing them with additional opportunities to experience history through exciting educational visits and visitors.

With close links to the expectations of the National Curriculum in geography, we aim to develop an understanding of the world we live in. Providing children with opportunities to experience geography through primary and secondary evidence, and particularly by using our local area and knowledge to bring the thrill of exploring. Children learn to communicate their geographical knowledge and understanding using subject specific vocabulary, maps as well as fieldwork skills, and wherever possible ensuring that cross curricular links are made with other subjects.

In Early years, Geography is about people, places and the world around us. Children see Geography each day as they learn to make sense of the world and move about within it. Aspects of Geography appear within the Area of Learning called Understanding the World in the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework, which is the curriculum for our Nursery and Reception children.

Throughout our Geography curriculum, we encourage deeper thinking in all our children. We aim for them to understand basic subject-specific vocabulary relating to human and physical geography and begin to use geographical skills, including first-hand observation, to enhance their locational awareness.

Overall, we endeavour to create lifelong memories of experiences linked with the understanding of the world we live in, stimulate children into vocabulary rich questioning and discussions, give awareness of what lessons we can learn about geographical events and human actions and how these shape the present day.


At Belvedere Infant school we carefully chose topics from The International Primary Curriculum IPC to implement and develop the pupil’s knowledge, skills and understanding in Geography and across other subject areas.   We looked carefully at both prior and future learning to ensure that we are providing a broad and balanced curriculum, that will enable the pupils to progress their learning throughout their time at Belvedere Infant School.

The IPC is a comprehensive, thematic, creative curriculum which provides our pupils with many exciting learning opportunities. The aim of this approach is for children to understand how the different curriculum areas interlink, and for them to make connections across subjects to form a stronger understanding of the learning.

At Belvedere Infant school we want to immerse the pupils into their learning so they remain motivated and engaged. The International Primary Curriculum allows our children to make purposeful links and connections throughout their learning and to see how their subject learning is related to the world they live in.

Teaching is based on themes which connect all areas of the curriculum in a way that makes learning not only interesting but also extremely relevant.  The theme enables young children to remain motivated through the learning of Geography. It also allows them to make purposeful links and connections throughout their learning and to see how their subject learning is related to the world they live in. Children will develop a sense of their own nationality and culture at the same time as developing a profound respect for the nationalities and cultures of others.


How do we ensure that children are learning the curriculum?

At Belvedere Infants we strive for all our learners to make rapid progress from their starting points.  We use assessment for learning to see where children may have gaps in their learning so we can quickly address this through quality first teaching.  Teachers are aware of the knowledge, understanding and skills needed for the next stage of the children’s education and so make sure that they are secure and fully embedded in the skills they need in their current year.  We ensure disadvantaged pupils and SEND pupils are monitored carefully and ensure every child is able to access the curriculum through differentiation and an individualised approach. We want to ensure that all children have equal opportunities. Many of our pupils have English as an additional language and so we seek ways to support them also.

We are geographers

We will inspire a curiosity of Belvedere, London, the United Kingdom and the World and those within it through the National Curriculum and the IPC.  We will create learning opportunities that enhance understanding and build lifelong memories of the world around them.

We teach the full National Curriculum for History and Geography.

We use the themes from the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) which provides themes for every year group from Year 3 – Year 6.

The IPC has been developed to provide support to teachers so that four main aims can be achieved. 

They are:

  • To help children learn the subject knowledge, skills and understandings they need to become aware of the world around them
  • To help children develop the personal skills they need to take an active part in the world throughout their lives
  • To help children develop an international mindset alongside their awareness of their own nationality
  • To do each of these in ways which take into account up-to-date research into how children learn and how they can be encouraged to be life-long learners