Belvedere Junior and Infant School

Belvedere Infant and Junior Schools

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Global Citizenship





Global Citizenship

Global Citizenship Intent

At Belvedere Junior School, Global we aim to develop every child into a Global Citizen by the time they leave our school in Year 6. We want every child to know they can make a difference and can impact the world around them. At Belvedere Junior School, we teach our pupils to be tolerant, curious and inquisitive not just accepting difference but wanting to learn more and celebrate difference. We strive to develop a fair, peaceful environment, not just within our school walls but beyond the gates as well. When pupils leave Belvedere Junior School, we want them to be prepared for the future and aware of the opportunities that are available to them. Global Citizenship underpins our values and the decisions we make, not only about the curriculum, but beyond in order to give pupils the best opportunities in the future.

Our Global Citizenship thread is planned around four main areas: myself, my community, my society and my world.


At Belvedere Junior School, if we want pupils to develop into well rounded Global Citizens and we believe it is imperative to reflect and develop themselves first. Our ambition is for our pupils to be open minded whilst having a voice to articulate their opinions respectfully. Our Global Citizenship overview enables children to develop into team players with a healthy competitive streak; self-confident about the strengths and talents they have and reflect on their areas for development.

My Community

We believe, it is important for children to understand the different people within their school and local communities. In lessons across our curriculum, we learn and discuss the differences of those we come into contact with every day; in turn, we believe our pupils develop not only understanding but tolerance and acceptance for these differences. At Belvedere Junior School, we celebrate the many cultures that make up our local community. Our aim is to empower children to respect and learn what makes their community special. Pupils are taught about local issues and through this learning, understand how they can make a change in their local communities.  

My Society

Through our Global Citizenship learning thread, we intend to enable all pupils to know the many ways in which they can contribute to society meaningfully. Pupils also learn the importance of rules further developing respect for those who govern and make the rules for our society.

My World

We teach the pupils at Belvedere Junior School an awareness of global issues to empower the children with knowledge about the wider world. Our aim is for all children to know and begin to action the ways in which they can influence or make change globally, enhancing the world for all its citizens. Again, we want pupils to celebrate the many different cultures across the planet understanding and empathising with those whose experiences are dissimilar to their own. Through our Global Citizenship thread, we want pupils to learn about the value of the earth and its resources knowing how they can look after the world around them.

At Belvedere Junior School, we believe the world has endless possibilities for our pupils and believe that through our Global Citizenship thread we develop our children into well rounded human beings with an awareness and thirst for all the world has to offer. When pupils leave our school community, we aim for them to leave with high aspirations for the next step and ambition to go on and achieve their dreams.


Attach overview


Global Citizenship Implementation

We have developed our Global Citizenship curriculum and written this around the needs and experiences of our children at Belvedere Junior School. The overview is woven through everything we do at school; in the classroom, the playground, assemblies, enrichment activities and out into our wider school community.

Global Citizenship at Belvedere Junior School is split into four key areas:


My Community

My Society

My World

These key themes are taught progressively both explicitly through assemblies and extracurricular activities as well with lesson of other subjects. This not only ensures progression but both breadth and depth of thinking.

At the start of the academic year, children write a class definition for Global Citizenship in their new classes. This is then displayed and referred to throughout the year. Across the year, their definition is further developed with pictures and work that the children have completed which supports their global citizenship learning.

Our progression maps for the wider curriculum subjects evidence how Global Citizenship is threaded through all areas of the curriculum. Across each year group the children study a number of high quality texts and promote connectedness with our themes. This encourages deep conversation and debate about issues which affect not only the children themselves but the wider world around them.

Children are given roles such as peer mediators in order to give them responsibility and develop their empathy as well as the skills of conflict resolution.

They work in collaboration towards the SuperKind award which encourages local community projects, fundraising for a charity which children are passionate about and further develops awareness of issues in our local community.

Assemblies both whole school and class are planned meticulously to ensure coverage of the Global Citizenship overview, children learn about global events through The Picture News and gain an awareness of celebrations across the world through whole school focus days. Class assemblies give children a chance to reflect on their opinions, beliefs and values where they are encouraged to learn from their mistakes and grow.

Every school year starts with a topic on brain waves which empowers children to further develop their growth mind-set, they then take this growth mind-set into their future learning throughout the year.