Belvedere Junior and Infant School

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Home | Year Groups | Nursery






Welcome to Nursery!

We would like to warmly welcome your child into Nursery and are very much looking forward to watching them develop into independent learners, who always have a good attitude to their learning and who have amazing and happy experiences.

We have two classes in Nursery:

  • Caterpillar Class 8:40am – 11:40am
  • Butterfly Class 12:25am – 3:25pm

Both classes are taught by Class teacher – Mrs Box and supported by:

  • Mrs N Caserta – Nursery Nurse
  • Ms F Ford – Early Years apprentice

Safe ~ Happy ~ Learning

Children in Nursery access the seven areas of learning through a wide range of adult and child led activities. Children are encouraged to use their senses to explore the world around them, learn through their play and develop their speech, language and communication skills in our language rich environment. 

We provide:

  • A wide range of learning activities that reflect the requirements of the Early Years Curriculum. These are provided under a half termly theme, such as ‘Under the Sea’ so as to engage children and encourage them to explore and so build layers of knowledge.
  • ‘Learning Choices’ –  have scaffolding to support children such as key questions, pictures, and resources that extend children. Prompts will show the intended outcome: “Can you…”
  • Learning Choices are tasks that children can complete independently, are linked to current learning or interests and are purposeful with a clear learning objective.
  • Adult focus group work happens throughout the week.
  • Learning is differentiated, meaning some children are supported in the carpet session or are taken out to extend / consolidate their learning, ensuring all children are challenged and support staff are optimised.
  • Independent Writing – children are engaged in writing by the introduction of ‘Secret Messages’ that appear and which they are encouraged to give meaning to and then write themselves. They have access to writing resources both inside and outside. 
  • Adults join in with play regularly, taking the opportunity to model skills within play scenarios. Children love to copy adults and will quickly come to an activity an adult is ‘playing’ with, copying what the adult has done
  • Support staff work closely alongside class teachers, observing children, leading focus groups and leading intervention groups.

Outside Learning Area

We are very lucky at Belvedere Infant and Nursery School as the nursery children have their own large outside learning environment. In this area we have climbing equipment, a mud kitchen and access to sand and water. The outdoor environment provides different experiences that the children cannot get inside. Our outdoor environment exposes children to nature, weather and real experiences of the world around them. 

Independent Learning Opportunities

Staff set up the classrooms with a range of exciting and engaging activities that are practical and multi-sensory. Activities are linked to the half termly topic or the key text for the week. Children have a wide range of resources in the classrooms that they can access freely to support their independent learning activities. Activities are set up to provide children with opportunities to practise their speaking and listening skills and encourage them to practise reading and writing throughout the day. 

Autumn 1 – All about me

When children first start nursery the topic needs to revolve around them and their interests. In this topic we cover who is in our family, similarities and differences we have with our friends and all the things we are interested in. We also touch on the jobs people do, especially people who help us. In maths we do lots of sorting and matching, especially with colours. Our first half term at nursery is also when we learn all the nursery rules and routines. We will learn how to sit on the carpet, how to share with others and how to be able to make friends.

Autumn 2 – Nursery Rhymes

This topic we will explore a range of Nursery Rhymes learning them by heart and making up actions to go along with them In Maths we will be focusing on developing a deep understanding of numbers 1 and 2 and exploring pattern.  Of course, Christmas is in this half term too and like the rest of the school we put on a Christmas production, learning the songs for parents to come and watch us sing!

Spring 1 – Dinosaurs

This topic is all about things that are out of our normal experience! We think about dinosaurs and what it must have been like when they roamed the Earth. Often we draw upon children’s current interests making links with film, tv, or books. In Maths we will begin to explore and compare height and length, understand the idea of more and fewer and begin to name and explore 2D shapes. 

Spring 2 – First Tales

In this topic we will focus on a range of traditional tales such as ‘Goldilocks’ and ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’. We will begin to learn the repetitve phrases and actions in the story to help us to retell them. In Maths we will begin to explore numbers 3, 4 and 5 in detail. 

Summer 1 – Farm

The Farm topic is all about animals, taking care of them and their environment, and understanding the need for farm animals. Each week we focus on a story about a farm animal, learning their names and other related vocabulary. Where possible we arrange for some farm animals to come and visit us. In maths we begin to explore and compare weight using practical resources and begin to understand and identify one more or one less than a given number to 5

Summer 2- Pirates and Under the Sea

Land Ahoy! Our topic on Pirates will again focus on a key book each week, ensuring we challenge stereotypes by having key girl pirate characters. We will be making flags and creating maps and of course include a pirate ship in our role play area! We will attempt a Pirate day at Belvedere beach. In maths we will be looking at maths concepts such as capacity, times of the day as well as positional language.