Belvedere Junior and Infant School

Belvedere Infant and Junior Schools

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Pupil Voice

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Pupil Voice





Belvedere Infant School

Our School Council represent our school community and are the pupil voice. Each Reception and Key Stage 1 class nominates a representative who is aware of the qualities a School Council Member must show at all times, therefore being a role model to all.

They meet with Mrs Williams once a month and feed back to their class any information as well as bringing concerns from their class to the council meetings. The meetings are minuted in and then discussed as a whole class. New points and opinions are taken back to the meetings and discussed further.

As part of their duties they meet regularly with Mr Mason-Ellis to discuss how they, and the children they respresent, feel about the school and what could be improved upon. We take the pupil’s viewpoints very seriously and act on what they have to  say.

Eco Council

The Eco Council is made up of pupils who are passionate about caring for the environment. The Eco Council meet monthly to discuss ways to make our school more eco friendly.  They also consider how what they do today will impact on what their environment will be like in the future.

They are backed by a team of school Eco warriors who are vigilant to the small but important things we can do every day around school, such as turning off lights when leaving a room, ensuring we do not waste paper etc. 

To become an Eco Councillor or an Eco Warrior, children demonstrate their knowledge and passion for the environment by designing posters which draw attention to environmental issues and discussing them with their peers and staff. 

Belvedere Junior School

School Council 2020 – 2021

At Belvedere Junior School, we ensure every child has the opportunity to be heard. Every week, our children have their voice heard in a variety of ways. We discuss important topics during our Votes for Schools lessons and ensure everyone has their votes counted and shared with the V4S community. Every class also has a discussion around a P4C topic each week where children learn to share their ideas thoughtfully.

Through the School and Eco Council, children have the chance to suggest ideas and make big, positive changes across the school and feel that they have an impact on their safe, happy learning. We believe that our pupils need to have ownership of their learning. It is not just important for our pupils to have a voice, but for the adults in our school to hear them.

Here are some recent things that our learners have shared:

  • “We make the school a better place by making new things happen!” Luke, Y3
  • “I think what school council really means is to be kind to people, it is a responsibility. It is our job to help each other and improve the school as much as we can.” Charlie, Y5
  • “School Council is great – we help other people and make sure they are happy. It is our responsibility that everyone is happy at school, if they are not we can do something to change that.” Y5 child.
  • “We get to have meetings and share ideas about what we can do to make the school friendly and fun.” Maximus, Y4
  • “It is quite nice because we get to see other people in our virtual meetings and the adults make sure they hear us, we can even unmute ourselves! We can tell Miss Purl listens to us.” Kytly, Y3