Belvedere Junior and Infant School

Belvedere Infant and Junior Schools

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Year 2

Home | Year Groups | Year 2

Year 2





Welcome to Year 2!

Your teachers are:

Lion Class ~ Miss Evans

Impala Class ~ Miss Green

Zebra Class ~ Mrs Harrison 

Teaching assistants in Year 2 are:

Miss Allan, Mrs Donovan (Tues and Weds)

Mrs Heer, Mrs Kaur (Mon, Thurs and Fri)

Below you’ll find our yearly coverage overview.

Autumn 1 and Autumn 2- ‘Brainwaves – Metacognition’, ‘From A to B’ & ‘Super Humans’

In Autumn 1 we begin the new school year by learning about our brain, how it works and how we can make it work at its best.

Half way through Autumn 1 we begin our topic of ‘From A to B’ which is a topic all about travel – how we travel and where we travel to. Has this changed over time and will it continue to change in the future? This is continued into Autumn 2.

Towards the end of Autumn 2 we will begin our science based topic of Super Humans, learning about body parts of humans and other animals. We will also link our learning to the festival of Christmas as we practise and then perform our school nativity, developing our speaking and listening, drama and art skills as well as writing extended pieces that consolidate the skills we have learnt through the Autumn term. 

Spring 1 – Buildings

In Spring 1 we will learn about Buildings! In Buildings, we will be learning all about the different structures we see in towns and cities around the world. We will explore our local area of Belvedere, to look at old and new buildings and use this as inspiration for Art.  As geographers, we will be learning about how houses and structures differ from country to country and the purposes they serve. As engineers, we will be exploring the Science behind the construction of structures through making models and testing materials. What is your home like? How is it similar and different to other homes around the world?

Spring 2 – ‘Live and let Live’ & ‘Space Invaders’

In Spring 2 , for our Live and Let Live topic, we are learning about living things and what they need in order to survive. How do we know what living things need? How do you know that you are alive, but a stone has never been alive? To find out the answers to these questions, we will need to be scientists, geographers and ecologists.

For our Space Invaders PE topic, spatial awareness is knowing where your body is in relation to your environment. In sport and games, we need to know where we are located in relation to other players, teammates, equipment and the goals. To do this, we need to learn how to see the ‘empty’ spaces and the spaces that are already filled by people or things. In this unit, we will be developing those skills.

Summer 1 – The Magic Toymaker & Look and Listen

In Summer 1 In The Magic Toymaker, we will be learning all about the world of toys and the role that they play in entertaining us, educating us, and stimulating our imagination. As historians, we will be finding out about the ways in which toys have changed over time; as scientists, we will be exploring the various materials that toys are made of; as designers, we will be learning about the different stages of the toy-making process and creating our own board games; and as programmers, we will be covering the basics of computer game coding. Toys come in many shapes and sizes, but what is it that makes a great toy? 

For our science topic of Look and Listen: Have you ever wondered how you can hear and how you can see? You can hear me talking and you can see me smiling at you. You can hear a plane flying overhead and you can see it crossing the sky. What makes hearing and seeing these possible? We will need to be scientists to find out how sound and light travels.

Summer 2 – People of the Past

In Summer 2 in People of the Past, we will be learning about a variety of significant people who left a lasting impact on humanity through their hard work, resilience and creativity. As historians, we will investigate the lives of several influential figures to find out about the personal qualities that enabled them to shape the world as we know it. As musicians and artists, we will be producing pieces inspired by the lives and works of famous composers and painters, thereby exploring the elements that made their creations so ground-breaking. Throughout the unit, learners should be encouraged to reflect: How are our lives different thanks to the work of these significant people?