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Year 4

Home | Year Groups | Year 4

Year 4





Temples Tombs and Treasures

The people who helped create the first great civilisations were not unlike you and me. Today we can learn a lot about these people and their way of life through the things they left behind- from everyday objects to magnificent and rare treasures.

We will be learning about who the first Ancient civilisations were, where they settled in the world and why they chose that particular place. We will look at how these civilisations grew rapidly and lasted for thousands of years. We will explore what their family life was like, how they communicated their life, their religion, traditions and beliefs, who ruled these civilisations, their tombs- how they were built, why they were built and the process of making a mummy! We will investigate the treasures and paintings left behind in these tombs and how this can tell us about life in the past. We will look at their stories and retell these stories with music and compare life in the past to life today. We will need to be historians, artists, geographers and musicians.

What was it like to live in Ancient Egypt or Ancient Sumer? Would you like a time machine to go back and visit the past?

Making Waves

Sound and light are all around us – from the sound of thunder and the flash of lightning in a storm, to a mobile phone ringing and flashing when someone calls us. We are surrounded by lights and sounds. But what is sound? How are sounds made? How do we see and hear? And why do we see lightning before we hear the thunder? We will need to be scientists, musicians and designers to find out all about light and sound waves!

Land Sea Sky

In this unit we will be learning about plants and animals, and how they can adapt to living almost anywhere on Earth. Our planet has a number of different habitats, each with their unique climate and geology. As geographers, in this unit, we will find out about how water, soil and rock can change the environment or be changed by natural forces such as water. We will need to be scientists to examine how different organisms have adapted to survive on land, in the sea and in the sky. In International we will be looking at what we can do to help in preserving living things. In this unit we will ask exciting questions such as: How do plants and animals adapt to water habitats? How do animals and plants depend on each other for survival and how can human actions support or upset this delicate balance?

Different Places, Similar Lives

In Different Places, Similar lives we will be learning about the similarities and differences between how people lead their lives in different countries throughout the world. We will need to be global ambassadors as we compare our school life with another school internationally, geographers as we explore how the climate affects the way people live and historians as we learn about how important people in the countries we are studying have changed lives. Can people have similar interests and lifestyles even if they live in different countries of the world?

All Aboard

Today, in a world where we take travel for granted and are able to cover vast distances with relative ease and speed, it is easy to forget how railways changed the way ordinary people experienced the world. Railways opened up horizons and connected the world in a way that had never been seen before. Can you imagine a life before roads, cars and flying made travelling long distances very easy? We will be historians and discover the impact the development of the railways had locally and globally.

Feel The Force/Let’s plant it

We will be learning about forces and how they push and pull us along. We will need to be scientists to investigate different kinds of forces and learn how to measure them. Without forces nothing on Earth or in the wider Universe would start moving or once started they wouldn’t stop! How do we know forces are always in action? What can we see and feel that shows us forces are at work?

In this unit we will need to be ‘botanists’, a special kind of scientist who studies plants. We will be learning all about plants and how they grow. Plants live all over the world and without plants humans and animals would not be able to live.

Topic Letters

Autumn 1 Topic Letter​

Autumn 2 Topic Letter​

Spring 1 Topic Letter

Spring 2 Topic Letter

Summer 1 Topic Letter​

Summer 2 Topic Letter